Friday, July 25, 2008

used items, fresh ideas

like you ever needed inspiration to go garage sale hopping on those early weekend mornings... repop brings recycled items to a new level! they have nifty items to buy, but really their website is good inspiration to go out and find as much "junk" as possible. see more stuff at

// don't forget to submit your DIY projects to: THANKS!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

cozy kitchen : olivia's table

this entry comes from olivia walder (artist, painter) in champaign, illinois.  I love this comfy, Japanese-inspired seating arrangement created with hand-sewn pillows.  they match the splatter-painted tablecloth that covers an old unused coffee table. paint covers a tablecloth material, then is sealed with a transparent material that keeps the paint safe. 

(and yes, there is a black kitten in the first image!)

//don't forget to submit your DIY projects to:


So we start off the year with some design inspiration. Do it yourself, because no one is as unique as you. If you have a DIY project (This means clothing, hair and makeup, products, decor, crafts, recipes, art... you name it!), submit pictures and descriptions to:
Cannot wait to see your projects!